Sunday, September 19, 2010

18 September 2010

My former professor warned me that, when I take the GRE subject test, I’m going to walk away feeling like a “freaking moron.” Just studying for the test for four hours turns my head to mush. I feel like my brain is a sponge: I can only absorb so much before it is saturated and what it is unable assimilate is left to ooze and puddle around it.

Where is Mephistopheles when I need him?


  1. Only you Ashlee, only you. I will be interesting to see how many people know about Mephistopheles. I hope your soul is more valuable than that. :-)

  2. Pretty much. Here I was, worried for you about feeling like a "freaking moron" and then you pop something out like, "oh, yeah...Mephistopheles"

    Yeah. You're just going to bomb that test.
