Friday, September 24, 2010

23 September 2010

Today is the autumnal equinox, the first day of fall. The trees are just beginning to blaze with color, and each day the weather grows cooler.

I spent all morning picking apples at various places in the area. Have I mentioned that I think I’m allergic to apple trees? My arms are covered in a welt/rash that itches like mad, and the apple trees are the only thing I can think of that would have triggered a reaction. Of all the irony.

I spent the rest of the afternoon collecting a massive headache. I had to cut down Leslie’s two big flowerbeds today for the winter, and everything in there was so pungent it went straight to my head. Catnip, oregano, flox, and heaven only knows what else, but all of it stunk. By the time I’d cut it all down with my dull clippers and wrestled it into the compost piles, I was dizzy with the menagerie of smells.

Leslie invited me to go to Bar Harbor with her tonight to see a movie about the library at Alexandria, but she wanted me to drive. Even after I told her I had a resounding headache and my car is getting low on fuel, she still said, “Well, I’d really rather not have to drive my car.” I suppose I could have pitched a fit and refused, but my parents have raised me to be too polite, so I gave in. Then, when we got there, Leslie realized she had read the advertisement wrong and gotten the dates mixed up. So instead of watching a movie about Egypt, I had to sit through two hours of weird Italian familial drama.

It wasn’t worth my eight dollars or the fuel I burned, but it was nice, I’ll admit, to get out for the evening.

1 comment:

  1. As I am sure that you are well aware that any semblance of fall has failed to appear here in the sunny South, you might actually miss the weather that you are experiencing for now. Hopefully, we will begin to see some difference in our weather this weekend. I know that you are so anxious for your days there to be over and your next adventure to begin. Enjoy your remaining time there and we all look forward to your return.
