Friday, September 17, 2010

16 September 2010

I’ve been sleeping so much better now that the weather has cooled, though I may have to dig out the extra quilts I packed before too long.

I spent all morning hauling and stacking firewood. I had to fill a 5x5 foot space under Tim and Leslie’s stairs with firewood, and then, on their front porch, I had to fill an 8x5 foot space. Oh, how I ache this evening. I think this is the first task I’ve been assigned that’s actually made me sore. Tim and Leslie are set for the winter, though. And I saw enough spiders to give me nightmares for several lifetimes…


  1. Is it my imagination or are your blogs getting shorter? What, Ashlee running out of things to say. NEVER!

  2. Ha! Funny you should mention that... In answer to your question, read the 17 September 2010 post. :P

  3. That amount of wood MIGHT last a couple of weeks.

  4. That's probably true, but I won't be the one stacking any more. ;D
