Friday, August 27, 2010

26 August 2010

My gas stove and I have an uneasy alliance. While he grumbles and sputters about how much I make him work, I eye him warily, expecting the next metallic cough to engulf me in a rolling plume of blue flame. We’ve come to an agreement, though: If I won’t turn him up over 350 degrees, he won’t set off my fire/gas alarm. I think we’re coming to warily respect each other.

I packed peaches all day today and will be doing the same tomorrow instead of going to the farmers’ market. I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed that I’m not going to the market tomorrow, because I’ve been working myself up all week and have finally garnered the courage to start up a conversation with the French boy. Oh well. Hopefully I’ll be able to maintain a reservoir of such gumption and unreservedness for next week.

More and more at the farmers’ markets lately, peoples’ faces are becoming familiar to me. Today in Brooklin, I was able to call Judy, Courtney, Jay, two Margarets, Nancy, and Bobby by name. And people are starting to recognize and know me as well. It’s an incredible feeling. As if I’m starting to belong.


  1. there is something magical about having someone recognize and call you by is part of realizing that we were created for companionship with another human being..hang in there baby and soon you will feel as though you belong!

  2. Oh, you do belong, Ashlee. Just imagine what we would all be doing with your blog to entertain us. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and continue making your way in your new endeavor.

  3. Hmm, maybe I should check my comment first. Of course, I meant to say what would we all be doing WITHOUT your blog.

  4. I am so glad you are feeling a little more at home. I am stil very worried about you being up there all alone... with NO hot water!!! You can NOT be there when it gets cold with only a minute of hot water in your shower a day. That simply wont' do!! We miss you so much.. Elizabeth asks about you everday, and so do the dogs (ha ha). I feel selfish and a little guilty that I really want you to come home now, but I know that's not what you need to hear. Everyone else will probably laugh (or be mad) when I say this, but is getting a dog an option?? Would they allow it? I know a dog would love sharing its life with you, and you would never feel alone again! What a terrific place to have a dog... long walks by the sea, running through the orchards. Maine is a very dog friendly state- they are even allowed at some restaurants. Just a thought!

  5. a name which should remain anonimoose.August 28, 2010 at 1:36 AM

    This is a perfect opportunity to get that irish wolfhound can totally justify it. :D hahaha hold on to that gumption lady!! I just know you can do it!! I happen to know you have more than enough willpower to hold on to your nerve by sheer stubbornness alone. I now call upon that dark power....

    :D <3

  6. Thanks so much for the comments, guys! You don't know how encouraging it is to log on here and see your notes.
    Jenna, getting a dog was my first idea, but I don't make enough money to keep one well-fed. Plus, the people I'm working here with are cat (Cat! Can you imagine? Why on earth would anyone choose a cat over a dog?) people. But, I have contacted some people here who own Irish Wolfhounds, and I've already scheduled several dates to go see their dogs.
    Anonimoose. Nice place on the word, by the way. You crack me up.

  7. Gas stoves and I have never gotten along; I'm not at all surprised you had so much trouble with yours!
